Thank you for your interest in a referral for your patient. We appreciate your trust in our practice. We request that a baseline medical work-up be evaluated by your practice prior to our seeing the patient. We typically recommend a full physical exam, baseline blood work (Complete Blood Count, Chemistry Profile and Thyroid Test) plus any additional indicated medical tests for the behavioral complaint (such as urinalysis for elimination issues).
Vet2Vet Consultations
We offer Vet2Vet Telemedicine consults to our referring veterinarians. This allows clients an option for a specialty consultation if they are not able to make a trip to one of our locations and/or have an urgent need prior to an appointment.
Our consults provide a written 1-2 page summary which includes: assessment of the case, differential diagnoses to consider (with most likely diagnoses), suggested treatment plan including medication options (with dosages), suggested behavior modification, suggested environmental and safety management, and enrichment plan.
The veterinarian will be asked to complete a full medical and behavioral history on the patient.
All fees are billed to the consulting veterinary practice.
Please contact our office if you would like to schedule a Vet2Vet consultation at 877.203.5973 or staff@vetbehaviorsolutions.com.